Publisert: 29. oktober 2010

Er genmodifisert mat løsningen for verdens bønder og forbrukere?

Genetically modified food – securing the world food supply?

Meet and discuss genetically modified (GM) food with some of the world’s most famous scientists in the field.
We have invited top scientists, among them the creator of the Golden Rice and food prize winners.

22 November, 10–16
Grand Hotel Oslo, Karl Johans Gate 31

The meeting is open to everyone and free of charge. Limited number of places. Registration before 19 November.

Review in GENialt 4/2010 (in Norwegian)


Opening Remarks
Lars Peder Brekk, Minister of Agriculture and Food

Nourishing the people vs feeding world: what’s the difference?
Professor Hans Herren, chair of International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD)
Panel discussions and debate

Challenges and opportunities for achieving global food security in the 21st century
Professor Gebisa Ejeta, winner of World Food Prize 2009 and special advisor to USAID Administrator
Panel discussions and debate


Consolidation of the global seed industry: Implications for farmer choice, innovation and food security
David Quist, Research Fellow, GenØk – Centre for Biosafety, Tromsø
Panel discussions and debate

Farmers, food security and hunger: Where do GM crops fit in?
Devinder Sharma
Panel discussions and debate

Lessons from the humanitarian golden rice project
Professor Ingo Potrykus, developer of the A-vitamin enriched rice ‘Golden rice’ and the chair of the Golden Rice Humanitarian project
Panel discussions and debate


Christian Anton Smedshaug,  Advisor, The Norwegian Farmers’ Union


  • Aksel Nærstad, Senior Policy Advisor, The Development Fund
  • Atle M. Bones, Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Ole-Jakob Ingeborgrud, CEO, The Federation of Norwegian Agricultural Co-operatives
  • Nils Vagstad, Research Director, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research
  • Conrad von Kameke, Monsanto


It is estimated that the total food production must be increased by 70 percent to feed the world population, which is expected to reach 9 billion people by 2050. Sustainable agriculture is essential not only to the food supply, but also for settlement patterns, livelihoods and biodiversity. What potential does biotechnology have in this context? Globally, there has been an 80 fold increase in agricultural land cultivated with genetically modified plants from 1996 to 2009. What does this development mean for food production and farmers’ and consumers’ freedom of choice?

What about Norway?

In March this year, EU for the first time in 12 years approved a genetically modified plant for cultivation when starch potato Amflora was approved, and in the U.S. the genetically modified salmon AquAdvantage is close to an authorization. In Norway, no plants or animals have been approved for food production yet, but the large increase in the production of genetically modified foods internationally makes a Norwegian debate important. Will genetically modified food be necessary to secure the Norwegian food production in the future?