Publisert: 26. november 2012
Preparedness and actions against bioterrorism in Norway
Bioteknologinemnda og Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) arrangerer møte om norsk beredskap mot bioterror.
Møtet belyser både trusselbildet, norsk beredskap og hvordan vi best beskytter oss mot terrorhandlinger med biologiske metoder. Møtet holdes på engelsk.
Attendance is free. However, we kindly ask you to register here (registration is closed).
Time: 12 December 2012, 10:30–15:30
Venue: Grand Hotel, Karl Johans gate, Oslo
Programme: | |
10:30–11:00 | Registration and lunch |
11:00–11:05 | Welcome Lars Ødegård, Head of The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board. |
11:05–11:45 | Keynote lecture: Bioterrorism: Imagining the Biological “Black Swan” Professor Lisa Bronson, National War College, National Defense University, former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Technology Security Policy and Counterproliferation, USA. |
11:50–12:30 | Keynote lecture: Preparedness and response planning for bioterrorist events Dr. Christian Herzog, Head of the Federal Information Centre for Biological Security, Robert Koch-Institute, Germany. |
12:35–13:00 | The role of the health services in response planning for bioterror Arne Broch Brantsæter, MD, Oslo University Hospital. |
13:05–13:20 | Coffee break |
13:20–13:35 | Biological defence studies at The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment I Dr. Jan-Ivar Botnan, Head of The Department for Protection, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). |
13:35–13:50 | Biological defence studies at The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment II Dr. Janet Martha Blatny, Chief scientist, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). |
13:55–14:05 | Responsible dissemination of biological knowledge Professor Anne Brit Kolstø, University of Oslo (commentary). |
14:10–14:20 | Monitoring the use of gene technology in Norway Dr. Rolf Dalseg, The Norwegian Directorate of Health (commentary). |
14:25–15:30 | Panel discussion |
Moderator: Tom Bakkeli, journalist and author |
Les mer om saken
Bioteknologinemndas brev til norske myndigheter om beredskap mot bioterror