Publisert: 14. september 2014

Forsiden av rapportenHow can a herbicide-resistant genetically modified plant contribute to sustainable development? The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board has discussed which issues are important to consider.



Read more about the report in Norwegian

The Norwegian Gene Technology Act requires that for a genetically modified plant to be approved in Norway, it must not be harmful to health or the environment. Norwegian authorities must also consider whether the production or use of the genetically modified plant are of benefit to society, are ethically justifiable and contribute to sustainable development. This is the report from a project that the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board conducted in 2012/2013.The Norwegian Environment Agency commissioned the project.

The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board also organized open seminars together with the Norwegian Environment Agency with invited guest speakers:

10 May 2012: Genetically modified plants and sustainability

Watch the presentations (YouTube video clips)

10 september 2012: Sustainable and genetically modified?

Watch the presentations (YouTube video clips)