Publisert: 14. mars 2019

The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board has proposed a forward-looking regulatory framework for genetically modified organisms (GMO). The proposal has been developed in close dialogue with the public.


Read the full statement here:                                                  Read the summary here:


Comments from the public consultation (in Norwegian):


De nasjonale forskningetiske komiteene (NENT) / The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees

Universitetet i Oslo / University of Oslo

Statens Legemiddelverk / The Norwegian Medicines Agency

Norges Bondelag / Norwegian Farmers organisation

NMBU Fakultet for Biovitenskap / Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Sjømat Norge / The Nrwegian Seafood Federation

Vitenskapsmuseet NTNU / The Science Museum NTNU

NHO Mat og drikke / The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise – FoodDrinkNorway

Geno Norsvin AquaGen / Norwegian animal breeding companies (cattle, pigs, fish)

Natur og Ungdom / Nature and Youth

Landbruksdirektoratet / Norwegian Agriculture Agency

Uni Research / Research Institute on health, climate, society, environment, energy and biotechnology

Havforskningsinstituttet / Institute of Marine Research

Norges Bygdekvinnelag / Organisation for women in farming

Universitetet i Bergen – Institutt for biovitenskap / University of Bergen – Dept of Biological Sciences

Norsk Industri / The Federation of Norwegian Industries

Oikos / Norwegian Organisation for Organic Food Production

GenØk / Norwegian Center for Biosafety

Norsk Landbrukssamvirke / Norwegian Agricultural Cooperatives

Norsk Gartnerforbund / Norwegian Gardeners Society

Bondens marked Norge / The Farmer’s Market Norway

Benchmark Genetics / Aquaculture genetics company

Legemiddelindustrien / Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Norway

Naturvernforbundet / Friends of the Earth Norway

Småbrukarlaget / Organisation for small scale farmers in Norway

Graminor / Norwegian plant breeding company

Nofima / Institute for food research

Kirkerådet / Norwegian Council of Churches

Heidner Biocluster / Cluster for innovations in sustainable food production

ACD Pharma / Aquaculture and fish health R&D company

Tekna / The Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals

Ryggvoll melkeproduksjon / Dairy farm

German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety

Nettverk for GMO-fri mat og fôr / Norwegian Network for GMO-free Food and Feed


Independent researchers and members of the public:

Independent researchers at NIBIO (Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research), NMBU (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) and UiO (University of Oslo)

Dorothy Dankel

Liv Langberg

Øyvind K Nilsen

Audun Nerland

Knut Morten Nyberg

Sigmund Ramberg

Pritam Bose

Åsmund Kaupang og Camilla Jensen

Sigmund Berg

Finn Kolberg

Thomas Tichelkamp

Johannes Gaare